Speak to Powersystems today
You can contact us as follows
Powersystems statement of intent protects the health, safety and welfare of our employees and stakeholders; safeguarding the environment and ensuring the quality of our products and services are the cornerstones by which Powersystems operate.
We believe strongly that all accidents are preventable and that every customer deserves the highest levels of service possible.
We are constantly striving to improve how we do business as we ‘Power the transition to a carbon free future.’
Powersystems will:
We will ensure that our employees will be:
The Integrated Management System (IMS) is the framework that supports us in delivering our ambitions in relation to health and safety, environmental and quality.
The IMS system, in collaboration with its users will also help to develop and improve the way that Powersystems operates and aid it’s strive for excellence.
Objectives will be developed based on the aspirations outlined in this policy.
The policy and objectives will be reviewed annually to track our performance to make sure we are meeting Powersystems and our stakeholder’s needs.
The policy will be made available to all employees and shall be displayed at all Company offices and worksites. In striving to improve the IMS it will enable us to achieve our mission of:
“To be the high voltage specialist of choice, working with our partners, delivering quality, safely and efficiently”
You can contact us as follows