
Powersystems secures 300 MW of Contract for Difference projects

September 28, 2017

Powersystems have been successful in securing the electrical balance of plant works on five wind farms secured in round one of the Contract for Difference (CfD)  generation contracts.

Working with established clients like; EDF, Innogy and Community Windpower –  Powersystems will deliver the site electrical infrastructure for Dornell (177 MW), Bad a Cheo (26 MW), and Sneddon Law (48 MW) windfarms.

Working for civil contractors Jones Bros and RJ McLeods, Powersystems will deliver the site electrical infrastructure for Brennig (36.8 MW) and Tom Nan Clach (39 MW) windfarms.

The 117 Turbines in total will require Powersystems to install over 400 km of cable to connect to the local grid.

Low-Carbon Electricity Generation

The Contracts for Difference (CfD) scheme is the government’s main mechanism for supporting low-carbon electricity generation.

Contracts for Difference (CfD) incentivise investment in renewable energy by providing developers of projects with high upfront costs and long lifetimes with direct protection from volatile wholesale prices, and they protect consumers from paying increased support costs when electricity prices are high.

Renewable generators located in the UK that meet the eligibility requirements can apply for a Contracts for Difference (CfD)  by submitting what is a form of ‘sealed bid’. There have been two auctions, or allocation rounds, to date, which have seen a range of different renewable technologies competing directly against each other for a contract.

Successful developers of renewable projects enter into a private law contract with the Low Carbon Contracts Company (LCCC), a government-owned company. Developers are paid a flat (indexed) rate for the electricity they produce over a 15-year period; the difference between the ‘strike price’ (a price for electricity reflecting the cost of investing in a particular low carbon technology) and the ‘reference price’ (a measure of the average market price for electricity in the GB market).

Delivery partners

The Low Carbon Contracts Company (LCCC) is a private company, owned by BEIS. The LCCC is counterparty to the contracts awarded in CfD allocation rounds (auctions) and its primary role is to issue the contracts, manage them during the construction and delivery phase and make CfD payments.

National Grid is the Delivery Body for the CfD scheme, responsible for running the CfDallocation process.

Ofgem is responsible for hearing certain appeals.

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Powersystems are powering the transition to a carbon free future

As a high voltage specialist electrical engineering company with over 48 years (1977-2025) experience Powersystems have grown by reputation to become a trusted force in the design, installation and commissioning of electrical infrastructure across the UK.

Celebrating 28 years as the first Lloyds National Electricity Registration Scheme ‘s accredited Independent Connection Provider (ICP), Powersystems are capable of delivering contestable grid connections at voltages up to 132 kV.

Since 2000, Powersystems have connected over 6 Gigawatts of renewable energy generation to the UK electricity grid, along with decarbonisation technology which includes; wind energy projects, solar, anaerobic digestion, hydroelectric, electrical vehicle infrastructure, short term operating reserve STOR, combined heat and power (CHP), Grid stability projects like rotating stabilisers,  and battery energy storage systems (BESS) as well as commercial industrial private wire networks.

Working with partners, delivering sustainable power solutions, proudly the Powersystems high voltage specialist team have connected 27% of all U.K. onshore wind farm

At the core of the operation is a commitment to the highest values of health and safety, welfare, quality and the environment. Powersystems Integrated management systems are ISO accredited and their approach under their health and safety ‘Priority No.1’ brand is to aim for the best industry practice in all.

Powersystems UK Ltd. is an Employee-Owned Business and as such has a keen interest in the well-being of all its employees. They encourage and empower you to be imaginative, share great ideas and be involved in the success of the business.

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