Powersystems your high voltage (HV) specialist partners – update on the electrical works contract for South Kyle, 240 MW wind farm which is located in the East Ayrshire, Dumfries and Galloway council areas.
South Kyle is a consented onshore wind farm consisting of 50 Nordex Wind Turbines and associated infrastructure. South Kyle is being built on land largely utilised for commercial forestry.
The project works at South Kyle Wind Farm will see the high voltage electrical engineers Powersystems; design, procure, install, commission and deliver the High Voltage system for the 132/33 kV substation, as well as the 4.5km 132 kV cable connection and the 33 kV cables to connect the substation to the wind turbines.
Lead by Darren Williams, Head of Engineering at Powersystems, “On Tuesday 16 August, with thanks to the team, we have achieved a major milestone at South Kyle and energised both the connection and wind farm substations. We expect to export to the grid in the coming week. The Powersystems engineering and operations teams have worked efficiently and effectively, with Powersystems Priority No.1 Health and Safety mission at the forefront of the project. All involved have worked relentlessly to achieve this milestone, and really do deserve a pat on the back.

- February 2022 – The first of 150 turbine blades to be installed at the 240 MW South Kyle Onshore wind farm arrived in the Port of Ayr in Scotland
- April 2022 – The wind turbine blades, towers and nacelles were transported from the Port of Ayr and Glasgow’s King George V’s Docks to the site location between Dalmellington, New Cumnock and Carsphairn, in East Ayrshire, all during the spring, with Vattenfall investing £1m in road improvement. The first of South Kyle’s 50 turbines were due to be installed and generating electricity later this summer. Due to their size (the turbine blades measure 64m long), and the components were transported as abnormal loads, in convoy and under police escort with the delivery programme lasting five months. To minimise disruption to other road users, deliveries were scheduled to take place overnight during an 23:00 pm-04:00 am window.
- June 2022 – The first turbine at Vattenfall’s 240 MW South Kyle Wind Farm in Scotland has been installed. The Nordex turbine E02, located in the southern part of the wind farm, became the first of South Kyle’s 50 turbines to be assembled and installed on site. The project’s 50 turbines are Nordex’s Delta N133 models, assembled in situ by a team of engineers with some of the largest mobile cranes available. Each turbine consists of three blades, three tower sections, a nacelle, hub and drive train. The installation of South Kyle Wind Farm’s first turbine comes almost two years after preparation work began on the site!
- August 2022 – The Powersystems High Voltage Specialist team have energised both the connection and wind farm substations on Tuesday 16th August and expect to export to the grid in the coming week.
Powersystems were awarded the electrical balance of plant works contract for South Kyle Wind Farm. Appointed by Civil Engineer’s RJ McLeod who in turn secured a £67m contract to construct Scotland’s newest onshore wind farm, on behalf of mutual client Vattenfall. South Kyle will be Vattenfall’s largest onshore wind farm in the UK. Civil Engineers RJ McLeod will deliver the construction of 50 reinforced concrete wind turbine foundations and associated crane hard standings, construction and upgrade of approximately 48 km of access tracks and roads.
Vattenfall has entered a partnership with Greencoat UK Wind, who will acquire the wind farm following its completion. Vattenfall’s agreement with Greencoat UK Wind aims to boost the socio-economic benefits for the region. This will enable delivery of a £38 million community benefit investment over the lifetime of the wind farm. This will be shaped by the needs of the communities of Dalmellington, Patna, New Cumnock and Carsphairn. South Kyle Wind Farm will bring great opportunities with significant community benefit investment in the local area. Besides providing regular updates on the progress of the project, Vattenfall is also committed to engaging and working with local communities, particularly in relation to shaping the community benefit investment but also in supporting skills development, local supply chain and the environment.
Onshore wind in Scotland has the potential to make a significant contribution to reaching net zero and is the cheapest form of renewable energy generation that brings us closer to that goal.
South Kyle Wind Farm facts
- South Kyle will be Vattenfall’s largest onshore wind farm in the UK
- Number of Nordex turbines is 50 N133/4.8MW machines on tubular steel towers
- Total maximum capacity is 240 MW
- Total height from tip of rotor blade is 149.5 meters
- Once constructed, the wind farm will be able to power approximately 170,000 UK homes, saving close to 300,000 tonnes in carbon dioxide emissions annually, the equivalent of taking around 65,000 cars off the road
- Commercial operation of the wind farm is planned to start Q1 2023
- At the peak of construction, the scheme will require around 150 workers on site, and once operational the 240 MW wind farm will make a significant contribution to Scotland’s net-zero ambitions
As part of building the UK carbon free future, Powersystems proudly support the design, installation, and commissioning of climate restoration technologies with connectivity in all renewable sectors.
Powersystems are powering the UK to a green recovery, with 6 GW of installed green energy as they play their part helping to decarbonise the National Grid. Working with partners, delivering sustainable power solutions, proudly the Powersystems high voltage specialist team have connected 27% of all U.K. onshore wind farms.
Notes to Editors:
Contact Information:
- This article is written by Jules Daly, Marketing and Communications Manager at Powersystems UK.
- Email jules.daly@powersystemsuk.com Telephone 01454 318000
- Photography Copyright please credit all images used to powersystemsuk.co.uk
Powersystems are powering the transition to a carbon free future
As a high voltage specialist electrical engineering company with over 46 years (1977-2023) experience Powersystems have grown by reputation to become a trusted force in the design, installation and commissioning of electrical infrastructure across the UK.
Celebrating 25 years as the first Lloyds National Electricity Registration Scheme ‘s accredited Independent Connection Provider (ICP), Powersystems are capable of delivering contestable grid connections at voltages up to 132 kV.
Since 2000, Powersystems have connected over 6 Gigawatts of renewable energy generation to the UK electricity grid, along with decarbonisation technology which includes; wind energy projects, solar, anaerobic digestion, hydroelectric, electrical vehicle infrastructure, short term operating reserve STOR, combined heat and power (CHP), Grid stability projects like rotating stabilisers, and battery energy storage systems (BESS) as well as commercial industrial private wire networks.
Working with partners, delivering sustainable power solutions, proudly the Powersystems high voltage specialist team have connected 30% of all U.K. onshore wind farms.
At the core of the operation is a commitment to the highest values of health and safety, welfare, quality and the environment. Powersystems Integrated management systems are ISO accredited and their approach under their health and safety ‘Priority No.1’ brand is to aim for the best industry practice in all.
Powersystems UK Ltd. is an Employee-Owned Business and as such has a keen interest in the well-being of all its employees. They encourage and empower you to be imaginative, share great ideas and be involved in the success of the business.
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