Case Study

Stangate Landfill, Kent

The 132 kV connection was then carried out by Powersystems as a contestable works package with only the final connection to the 132 kV line carried out by the local electricity board.

Quarry Hill Road, Borough Green, Seven oaks, Kent.

Project Facts and Figures

Total Installed Capacity5 MW
ServicesElectrical Infrastructure
Market SectorRenewable Energy

Stangate Landfill, Kent Scope of works and major design considerations

With the potential to generate up to 5 MW of renewable energy from landfill gas at Stangate the possibility of this becoming a reality was thwarted by expensive grid connection costs to the local 33 kV distribution network many kilometres away.

Powersystems then surveyed the site and negotiated a connection to the 132 kV overhead line that passed within 300 m of the generation compound.

The connection costs were reduced by a third and the project became commercially viable.

The 132 kV connection was then carried out by Powersystems as a contestable works package with only the final connection to the 132 kV line carried out by the local electricity board.

The new 132 kV substation compound and switch rooms were designed and constructed by Powersystems to house the substation equipment.

Within the 132 kV substation Powersystems supplied and installed the following equipment:

  • 132 kV terminal tower
  • 1No 6MVA 132/11 kV transformer
  • 132 kV circuit breakers
  • 132 kV disconnectors
  • 132 kV overhead busbar system
  • 5 panels of 11 kV switchgear
  • Auxiliary power transformer
  • Protection panels
  • Battery chargers
  • 11 kV cables
  • Building lighting and power
  • Substation earthing
In Conclusion:

The complete installation was tested and commissioned by Powersystems engineers to the clients and SSE’s satisfaction.

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